
Indonesia: Jawa
Indonesian Bible - Gospel of John
Indonesian Bible - New Testament
Indonesian - Four Laws
Indonesian - God's Simple Plan
Indonesian - Four Laws
Indonesian - Sepucuk surat untuk anda
Indonesian - Kemuliaan Kristus
Indonesian - Kisah Teragung
Jawa - Four Laws
Jawa - How to Know God
Jawa - Wangsulane Gusti Allah
Jawa Bible - Gospel of John 2
Jawa Bible - Gospel of John
Madura Bible - Gospel of John
Sunda Bible 107 mb
Sunda - How to Know God
Sunda Bible - Gospel of John 2
Sunda Bible - Gospel of John

Indonesia: Kalimantan
Dayak Bible - Gospel of John
Dayak Bible 48 mb
Dayak Bible 111 mb
Iban Bible - Gospel of John Iban Bible - Gospel of John
Iban - Berunding pasal Jesus
Lundayeh Bible - Genesis 1
Maanyan Bible - Gospel of John
Makassar Bible - Gospel of John
Makassar Bible - Gospel of Matthew
Makassar Bible romanized - Gospel of John
Makassar Bible - New Testament
Makassar Bible - New Testament
Ngaju Bible - New Testament 19 mb
Ngaju Bible - Gospel of John 2
Ngaju Bible - Gospel of John
Ot Danum Bible - Gospel of John

Indonesia: Maluku
Alifuru Bible - Gospel of Matthew
Dobel Bible - Gospel of Mark
Galela Bible - Gospel of Mark
Loloda Bible - Gospel of Matthew Loloda Bible - Gospel of Matthew
Luang Bible - Gospel of John
Nuaulu Bible - Birth of Jesus
Tabaru Bible - Gospel of Matthew
Tobelo Bible - Gospel of John Tobelo Bible - Gospel of John
Yamdena Bible - Gospel of Mark Portions

Indonesia: Nusa Tenggara
Amarasi, Atoni Bible - Gospel of Mark
Bima Bible - Gospel of John
Kambera Bible - Gospel of John Kambera Bible - Gospel of John
Kodi Bible - Stories
Kupang, Helong Bible - Gospel of John
Lamboya Bible - Tract 2
Sabu Bible - Gospel of John
Tetun Bible - Gospel of John
Timor Dawan Bible - Gospel of John
Wewewa Bible - Gospel of John
Wewewa Bible - Stories

Indonesia: Sulawesi
Balantak Bible - Gospel of Mark
Bambam Bible - Mark Selections
Banggai Bible - Gospel of John Banggai Bible - Gospel of John
Bugis Bible - Gospel of John
Bugis Bible - Gospel of Matthew
Bugis Bible - Psalms
Ledo Bible - New Testament
Kaili Ledo Bible - Gospel of John
Napu Bible - Joseph
Pamona Bible - Gospel of John
Sangir Bible - Acts
Sangir Bible - Gospel of John
Sangir Bible - Gospel of Luke John
Sangir Bible - Psalms
Siau Bible - Gospel of John
Talaud Bible - Gospel of John
Toraja Bible - Gospel of John
Uma Bible - New Testament
Uma Bible - New Testament
Uma - God's Simple Plan
Uma Bible - Gospel of John

Indonesia: Sumatera
Aceh Bible - Gospel of John
Batak Angkola Bible - Gospel of John
Batak Dairi Bible - Gospel of John
Batak Karo Bible - Gospel of John
Batak Simalungun Bible - Gospel of John
Batak Toba Bible - Gospel of John
Batak Toba Bible - Gospel of Luke
Batak Toba Bible - Gospel of Mark
Batak Toba Bible - Gospel of Matthew
Mentawai Bible - Gospel of John
Nias Bible 24 mb
Nias Bible 97 mb
Serawai Bible - Gospel of John

Indonesia: West Papua
Nalca Bible - Gospel of John
Nduga - God's Simple Plan
Ngalum Bible - Gospel of John
Sougb Bible - Gospel of John